

Owner / Coach

Squat: 355#

Deadlift: 435#

Snatch: 215#

Jackie: 6:53

Isabel: 2:38

Murph: 42:43



About Coach

CrossFit helped to scratch a competitive itch that I did not know I was missing after stopping playing sports in high school. It became my new sport, a great hobby, and an environment in which I've met many of my closest friends.

Turning Point

After years of boring gym programs that I was looking up online, I was ready to find a more complete fitness routine that would be both efficient and fun. The efficiency of CrossFit was a huge draw for me, all I had to do was show up! The workouts were already determined (and constantly varied), coaches were there to warm you up and keep you safe, and I got to socialize with new friends all in an hour's time.

Motivation & Passion

The most exciting part of coaching is seeing the community and camaraderie amongst the members at our gym. People come together from all backgrounds and share that one hour of the day where they can joke, share stories, and work through a tough workout together.

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